Corona Emergency Services

Update: 12/08
The "3G rule" applies on campus as of 02/08. This means that everybody on campus must prove that they are either fully vaccinated or recovered or tested negative (“geimpft, genesen oder getestet”). Please keep a photo ID ready too.The Central Library on the university campus is open Mondays to Fridays from 10am to 8pm. Registration and cash desk won't be available after 6pm. As of 25/05 a restricted number of workstations will be available for "borrowing" at the circulation desk. A maximum of further 60 visitors are allowed in the building at any one time. The maximum length of stay for this goup is 90 minutes. Masks continue to be obligatory without any exceptions.
Before your visit, please read the following questions and answers to learn about the current conditions of use.
Your question is not answered in the FAQs?: Please contact or call us: Information desk 0421 218 59500, Lending Desk 0421 218 59530. Please note that our service counters will remain largely vacant.
I have questions about the library card...
If you want to renew your library card, please send an email with your library card number to If you do not have a library card yet, you can register online. We issue the cards on site: Monday to Friday from 10am to 5.45pm at the circulation desk. For more information look here...
How can I return my library books?
Please drop borrowed items in the blue return box located opposite the main entrance on University Boulevard. The box is available 24/7. Please note that the returned items will only be checked in the following day. If you would like to send the books by mail, here is our address list.
Can I reserve books?
You can reserve books which are out on loan. Please pick up your reserved books Monday to Friday from 10pm to 7.45pm at the circulation desk.
I would like to take out books on loan: How can I prepare my visit to the library?
We recommend that you do your literature research before you visit the library. You can easily create a list by saving the titles to a folder. Please pick up the books you need directly from the shelves. We recommend that you place your orders for our closed stacks collection the day before you want to visit us. That way you'll be able to pick up your books on the day. Please don't forget your library card and your face mask and use our self-check-out machines to check out your books before leaving the library.
Can I currently print, copy, scan?
Yes, these services are available at the central library during opening hours. Further information and the contact details of Kramm, the company which operates the printing/copying/scanning stations, can be found here...
Attention:You need to register before printing, copying and scanning.

I cannot find a book on the shelf - what can I do?
Please use our feedback form with information about the title, author and the shelf mark. You will find the form on our counters and online. You are also welcome to send us an e-mail with the required information. We will try and find the book and get back to you.
I only need one essay from a book / journal. Do I have to come to the library?
All members of Bremen university and the universities of applied sciences in Bremen as well as patrons who cannot come to the library for health reasons may use our copy delivery service. Look here for further information...
I have received a mail about due fees. How can I pay them?
Due fees can be paid on site Monday to Friday from 10am to 5.45pm and on Saturday from 10am to 3pm (preferably via EC card). If you have further questions please contact
Is the interlibrary lending service working?
Books as well as copies of articles can be ordered via interlibrary loan but this service is affected by the closures of many other German university libraries. By the way, some libraries also deliver directly to your home via the fee-based direct delivery service Subito.
To place an interlibrary loan order, you need a deposit account. Please contact, quoting your library card number and the desired number of order units. Look here for more information about interlibrary loans...
Please drop interlibary loans in the blue return box located opposite the main entrance on University Boulevard if you want to return them.
The book I need is not available (as an e-book).
We will gladly accept your book suggestions.
Can I use newspapers again in your reading room?
This service is currently unavailable. The journal reading room is not available for reading.
Is the microfilm archive open again?
Yes. Please contact
How can I use my book locker / book trolley?
You can use your book locker / book trolley during opening hours if the maximum number of visitors has not been reached.
You can return your book locker / book trolley during the opening hours of the library. The return box for the keys is located at the Central Information Desk. We will check in the key on the following working day. If you have further questions please contact

Learning spaces
Can I study at the library again?
A restricted number of workstations is available again. Please take a blue basket at the entrance and present your libary card at the circulations desk to borrow a workstation for the day.
Do I have to wear a face mask in the library?
There is an obligation to wear face masks. If you are exempt from wearing a medical face mask due to a health condition or disability please email us a scan of your medical certificate. We will get back to you. In addition, we offer individual solutions if you are unable to visit the library in person for health reasons. Please get in touch with us - we will try to help you.
Can I use the computers in the library?
Due to the safety distances only 50% of the public computer workstations are available. Our public computers may be used to search for literature for a maximum of 90 minutes a day. You need to be logged into the computer while you're seated at a workstation. Please note that 90 minutes is also the maximum time you are allowed to stay in the library.
Can I book a multimedia learning space for group work?
The multimedia learning spaces can be booked via Stud.IP.
I have a library card, but I cannot access the electronic resources.
If you want to establish a remote access to the electronic resources licensed by us , you need a valid account at one of the state universities in Bremen. Please contact your university's computer centre. Users who do not belong to one of Bremen's state universities cannot access our electronic resources from home. With your library card, however, you can use them at the library using one of our computer work stations.
I cannot open the e-book although I am connected to the VPN.
In our experience, there are several possible sources of error. Very often people forget to manually switch the group setting to "tunnel-all-traffic" when setting up the VPN tunnel. I you need to set up the VPN client, we have created a video tutorial which you can access here...
If you have already tried to access without VPN, these settings are probably saved in your browser. In this case it helps to delete cache and cookies ( or use an alternative browser.
Which online resources can I access?
You can use the extensive range of online resources (currently approx. 77 million) via our search portal and VPN access. You can recognize licensed content by the yellow traffic light symbol - freely accessible titles have a green traffic light symbol. You can restrict your search to documents accessible online using the filter "Format → Online".