Selected Resources - Faculty 4: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Please note: The library obtains databases and full-text electronic resources through commercial licencing agreements that restrict access to current students, faculty, staff and onsite users (yellow circle in SuUB's search engine). To access these restricted resources from off campus, you must identify yourself as a Hochschule Bremen user by connecting to our website using the VPN client. For more information, please consult the webpages of the Hochschule Bremen IT Center.
General/interdisciplinary databases
GVK: references to journal articles (from 1993), book chapters and books from all disciplines
Web of Science: references to journal articles, which have been published in the most important journals worldwide across all disciplines
Subject-specific databases
TEMA: includes literature references, covering mechanical engineering, materials, electrical engineering, electronics, energy engineering
IEEE Xplore: provides fulltexts of the IEEE publications
INSPEC: includes literature references, covering physics, electronical engineering, electronics woldwide
ACM Digital Library: provides fulltexts of the publications of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science: proceedings and workshops in computer science
Subject-specific journals
Electrical Engineering
Computer Science
Internet links
Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU): publications, project database
Umweltbundesamt (UBA): (Federal Environmental Agency) energy, sustainability, climate change
Energy Citations Database: includes scientific and technical research results, covering disciplines of interest to the U.S. Department of Energy
CiteSeerX: free search engine for literature references, covering primarily computer and information science